Extending the Kubernetes API with Custom Resources, Controllers and Operators


What is the controller pattern? And the operator pattern? How we can use custom controllers to extend the Kubernetes API? How we can build our own custom resources, controllers and operators?

Sep 18, 2019 6:30 PM — 9:00 PM
Glovo - Carrer Pujades 94, Barcelona, Spain

What is the controller pattern? And the operator pattern? How we can use custom controllers to extend the Kubernetes API? How we can build our own custom resources, controllers and operators?

Join at meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Barcelona

Slides at go.rael.dev/cnbcn-extending-k8s The talk will be streamed live at https://glovoapp.zoom.us/j/364754734.


18:30 Welcome

Introduction to the Cloud Native community and Glovo!

18:45 Kubernetes Architecture

Introduction to the core principles an components of the Kubernetes architecture. We will start a Kubernetes cluster from scratch, component by component learning how each piece fits into the puzzle.

19:40 Break

19:45 Kubernetes Custom Controllers and Operators in action

Introduction to the Operator concept. We will deploy some operators in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster step by step and build our own Operator without (almost) writing any code.

20:30 Pizza and drinks from Glovo!


Nacho Alonso

SRE at CAPSiDE, contributor at Kubernetes and co-organizer at Cloud Native Barcelona

Rael Garcia

SRE at CAPSiDE, contributor at Kubernetes and organizer at Cloud Native Barcelona

Roi Vázquez

SRE at CAPSiDE and contributor at Kubernetes @lominorama

Sergio López

SRE at Red Hat @slopezz

Sergio López
Principal Site Reliability Engineer

SRE @ Red Hat | Speaker @ Cloud Native Barcelona Meetup